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Equipe Técnica AIESSE
Equipe Técnica, AIESSE Ambiental Infraestrutura, Edificações e Serviços Sustentáveis de Engenharia
Equipe Técnica, AIESSE Ambiental Infraestrutura, Edificações e Serviços Sustentáveis de Engenharia
2 months until the 2025 EfW Conference - exclusive discount
Don't miss Viridor's live webinar tomorrow!
Energy from Waste, Carbon capture and negative emissions: What role should EfW play in delivering a net zero economy?
Do you think health and safety is improving in the waste sector? The ESA wants to hear your thoughts
Upcoming panel discussion: CCUS
Defra pause on approval process for new waste incineration facilities in England
Polling question: With carbon and GHG emissions now dominating the agenda, is the waste sector going to make a success of their role in the drive to decarbonise. In 10 years' time, will the waste sector:
How confident are you that the various Government departments that influence waste and the products made from waste are coordinated between themselves and the markets and that their policies reinforce common outcomes?
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Recent Comments
Currently I have a idea to do research on Solar-Enhanced Pyrolysis and Gasification for Sustainable Waste-to-Energy Conversion .
I like ask your ideas on this research. How Can I start my research journey and resources
Hi Dinesh,
It might be worth you posting a discussion question here so other EfW Net members can respond:
The consultation has now been extend till Friday 2 August 2024.
Thanks Paul, we've updated the date in the text now.
If you have any additional questions for the speaker, please share them in this thread!